Transportes Montejo is firmly committed to the culture of Quality, Safety, Occupational Health, Environment and Social Responsibility, in each of the national and international services we offer. We maintain the highest standards for our stakeholders to constantly improve the development of their objectives, responding to the permanent changes in the labor and industrial environment.

The term loyalty expresses a feeling of respect and fidelity to a person, commitment, community, organizations, moral principles, among others. It is a virtue that unfolds in our conscience, in the commitment to defend and be faithful to what we believe and in whom we believe; it consists of obedience to the norms of fidelity, honor, gratitude and respect.
It is the subjective identification that an individual experiences with respect to a group, an organization or a community, where he/she feels comfortable, welcome and/or accepted, that is, where he/she feels he/she belongs. The sense of belonging is a fundamental element in the constitution of human communities.
This can be constituted by sentimental and moral values such as honesty, respect, loyalty, among others that a person can leave to another.
In Montejo, the corporate legacy is oriented to our stakeholders, based on respect and responsibility.
As a company, we have decided to make a commitment to nature, taking care of our processes and taking measures to reduce the negative impact, within a logic of ecological responsibility. Creating more responsible work tools and methodologies.
Maintain and promote within our team a continuous learning mentality, seeing human intelligence and astuteness as infinite and believing that we can always continue to improve and learn new skills. We are able to recognize the personal and professional benefits of receiving further training.

One of the top 21 Heavy Transport companies in the world as reviewed by International Cranes and Specialized Transport Magazine in its annual Transport 50 editions in 2013.

Committed to deliver successful, safe, profitable and quality operations to our clients. We efficiently coordinate technological, financial and human talent resources under the model of international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and the stipulations of the Colombian Safety Council (RUC).

The experience, reliability and constant evolution during more than 60 years in the market have generated for the company global recognition such as being listed in 21st place in the world ranking of heavy transport and lifting companies. It was also nominated by Bussines Initiative Direction in Switzerland to receive the CQE award in recognition of its commitment to industrial safety.